
Thursday, 3 December 2015

What is Victor KRP, MYP Victor Racquets mean ? Player Version ??

There are always too many discussion and also demand towards players' version rackets in the market. Some pay high money for a player version racquet in fact you might be only paying for just a normal commercial racket.

As we also got increasing amount of inquiries and demand towards Victor so call Players' racquet, we will like to do a little workshop here to help everyone to identify if the Victor racquet you bought is truly a player version or its just another countries' market version.

We are honor enough to string for all Victor sponsored teams for the recent HK Open that ended 2 weeks ago and while doing that we got to touch and see a lot of the sponsored players' rackets and below are some sharing.

Each brand has their own coding system while for Victor as far as we know will be like this:

Lets take Hong Kong for an example:

Victor Rackets are usually coded with HKP /HKF/ HKA/HKJ etc. So if you found your racket in HKP does that mean its Hong Kong Team Player rackets ??  The answer is NO.

So now lets go back to the most popular codes that YOU might want to know....KRP and they mean they are Korean Player racket and Malaysian player racket ??? The answer is again NO

Players rackets are in below coding system:

country code (2 letters) +a letter + 1 digit number + "P" + a set of numbers (5 digits)

For example 

Lee Yong Dae rackets are KRH8P04590 AND KRA2P00238

Kim Gi Jung rackets are KRJ1P03162 AND KRC2P00403, KRC2P00401

Taiwan Players code are TWE2P00189 AND TWE2P00195

Malaysian Goh V S's racket code is  MYC2P00047

So PLEASE DO NOT pay high money if people wants to sell you KRP or MYP rackets as they are NOT Players' version rackets.

BE SMART........and tell the people who might be interested to buy KRP or MYP just to think they are the player rackets.....but in fact they are just normal Korean distributors and Malaysian distributors rackets

In conclusion, we just want you all to spend correctly and wisely !!!