
Friday, 19 July 2013

NEW 2013 Victor Q3 Racquets Line Up

We have many new comers joining the Victor rackets family. Almost all series have their new comers like Brave Sword, Meteor X and Thruster K etc.

Victor Brave Sword:
- BRS-1700
- BRS-1600
- BRS-1300
- BRS-12L

Victor Meteor X:
- MX-90
- MX-7000
- MX-6000
- MX-600

Victor Thruster K:
- TK-7000L
- TK-6000
- TK-600
- TK-300
- TK-50

All NEW rackets will be arriving in store in the beginning of August.

Victor 2013 Q3 New Rackets