
Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Squash equipment - Squash balls

Squash balls are between 39.5 and 40.5 mm in diameter, and have a mass of 23 to 25 grams.They are made with two pieces of rubber compound, glued together to form a hollow sphere and buffed to a matte finish. Different balls are provided for varying temperature and atmospheric conditions and standards of play: more experienced players use slow balls that have less bounce than those used by less experienced players (slower balls tend to 'die' in court corners, rather than 'standing up' to allow easier shots). Depending on its specific rubber composition, a squash ball has the property that it bounces more at higher temperatures. Squash balls must be hit dozens of times to warm them up at the beginning of a session; cold squash balls have very little bounce. Small coloured dots on the ball indicate its dynamic level (bounciness), and thus the standard of play for which it is suited. The recognized speed colours indicating the degree of dynamism are:

Colour: Double yellow
Speed (of Play): Extra Super Slow
Bounce: Very low
Player Level: Experienced

Colour: Yellow
Speed (of Play): Super Slow
Bounce: Low
Player Level: Advanced

Colour: White
Speed (of Play): Slow
Bounce: Low
Player Level: Advanced / Intermediate

Colour: Green
Speed (of Play): Slow / Extra Super Slow
Bounce: Low
Player Level: Intermediate / High Altitude

Colour: Orange
Speed (of Play): Extra Super Slow
Bounce: Very Low
Player Level: High Altitude

Colour: No dots or Red
Speed (of Play): Medium
Bounce: Average
Player Level: Recreational

Colour: Blue
Speed (of Play): Fast
Bounce: Very high
Player Level: Beginner / Junior

# The "double-yellow dot" ball, introduced in 2000, is currently the competition standard, replacing the earlier "yellow-dot" ball. There is also an "orange dot" ball.

Source from: wikipedia

image source:squashscore